The best woodcarver’s sanding discs were discontinued by 3M a few years ago. I was trying to order a case of new ones when I got wind of the discontinuation from my regular supplier. It took weeks of searching the internet until I found a small country hardware store that still had one case left. Naturally, I bought the case but they are now looking a little shabby.
Why a Case?
Time and convenience is very important when I am sanding sculptures or craft items. Normally, I would suit up 6 discs at a time. As soon as the paper on one disc is no longer useful, I would take up the other disc and continue sanding without a break in the routine.
There are only three other woodcarvers on the island that I know of. Hardware stores would not conduct many sales if they were to stock supplies for such a limited market. We have no choice but to order online and you must stock extras, even tools, because there is no available repair stores or spare parts.
The same year that 3M discontinued the manufacturing of the sanding discs, I was fortunate to have a personal dialogue with one of the managers who was on island on an incentive trip for 75 of its employees. It so happened that the organizers of the trip had ordered a wooden gift for each person on the trip.
Bad Design
I informed the manager that I was not surprised the sanding discs were discontinued. The design was poor, the carbon paper discs did not last very long before the paper discs would be dislodged from the pad and, not only being a nuisance but expensive as well.
Too Late
The reasons why the disc pads failed was carefully explained and I then tried to introduce my fix for some financial compensation, “Too bad,” she said, “We just dismantled the production line.”
Even before I bought the case, I had redesigned the disc pad and still using the ones left, might have lost a few. My carvings are known for their silky smooth finish, curved surfaces are a feature of my work, and scratch marks are next to zero. The redesigned are almost perfect for sanding wood sculptures or handicrafts. They produce A1 finishes and saves the artist a lot of time.

Finishing stages
1. Sand all reachable surfaces with grit 80 using angle grinders.
2. Sand all reachable surfaces using grit 150 x 5′ sanding paper using hand drill and redesigned 3M disc pads.
3. Sand all reachable surfaces with 220 grit sanding paper discs and hand drill.
4. Sand all other reachable surfaces with Dremel drum sanders. I wish you can purchase the drum sanders in 220 grit, I have never seen one. There is also a redesigned drum sander for smoother sanding.
5. There is a final finishing touch, sorry, I am not ready to share my trademark secret as yet.
6. All work has a mineral oil finish. Keeps the wood natural and does not attract dust, regular rubbing with a sponge or piece of cloth soaked in mineral oil is necessary to keep that fresh look.
New Find
A new source of modern tools for the woodcarver was discovered by accident after writing this post-Treeline. Naturally, I had to edit the post substantially. My tradesecret is no longer a secret. They are producing close to what I was using for years. I only wish they can produce the drum sanders in smaller diameter sizes for sanding empty spaces in sculptures, plus a 5″ sanding disc pad with 1/2″, 1″ and 1 1/2″ foam pads. I no longer have to purchase Velcro and foam to redesign my own disc pads.
Be sure to visit Devonish Art Gallery in Anguilla!
10 comments on “Best Sanding Disc”
Mugalu Mansoor
With this article I have got to know that sanding discs are few on the island more so in the world so one needs to be more careful and attentive when manufacturing them so as to avoid losses. All in am what I got to know is that sanding discs are expensive in terms of investing and manufacturing thanks for this information
Courtney Devonish
The problem is there are few woodcarvers, so there is hardly a market for the hardware stores to stock them, we have to shop online, as for expensive, the price is what it is, you just have ti figure that into your sale price.
Thanks for visiting.
Sanding discs seem to be a very hot in demand tool among wood carvers and you have simplified the reason one should be very considerate in producing them to reduce the chances of running to a loss. Another thing is that the chances of making a boom form stocking them in a store is limited as most people now search online too get them.
Courtney Devonish
You are right online shopping has become the norm; I still have 25 fitted up disc pads, looking a little old. just made my first order from TreeLine. Thanks for the visit. Best wishes.
Who would have given much thought to the need for sanding disks if not for sculptors and wood carvers like you. This is really great to see here concerning the little facts about it. Firstly, I learnt that sanding discs are really scarce around the world and it requires more searches if one is to get in nay store but there is better chances of securing them on the internet. good to see here. I will share with my sculptor friend.
Courtney Devonish
Sanding discs are available online, my needs are specific, so much so that I redesign commercially available disc pads. Recommend him or her to TreeLine. All the best.
It must have been quite discouraging when you could no longer get the great kind of sanding disc that you were used to. I did not realize how difficult it is to find the kind of tool that will do the precision job you need done.
I’m guessing that the carvings shown in your post were done by you, and I can see why you are particular about your supplies. They are quite beautiful. I hope you have solved your problem sufficiently to allow you to continue doing such fine work.
Courtney Devonish
Art supplies are rare on the Island, discovering TreeLine was a blessing,They have most of what I need, only thing missing was a 5″ disc pad.Thank you for visiting.
Chris Park
I think your art is very cool. I am a safety person as well in my job so I liked the safety warnings you provided on your site. You have done a nice job so far but I noticed a few spelling errors and or grammar errors as well. You can spell check after you write your posts and I sometimes forget to do that too. You have a mighty fine site there and I will follow your progress.I really enjoyed looking at your heart crafting. Nice job and keep up the good work.
Courtney Devonish
Thank you; I normally run through ABC until I get the OK notice, will check again. do come again. Best wishes.