Touch forms started during my student days to help fellow student quit smoking.Their major complaint was- they needed something to do with their hands- In the beginning the forms were abstract shapes but from 1998 hearts has become my best selling fine-craft item.
The students were given a piece of clay to form the most comfortable shape to suit their hands, the form was then recreated in a glazed clay form or in wood.
The touch forms have evolved over the years and are now created in wood only, mainly because of its warm feel as a touch form.
There are Collectors from all over the world,many of them are professional who either place them on the desk ao in their office waiting rooms.They are a favorite gift item for repeat visitors and business sponsored groups visiting the Island.They are carried in hand bags,sit on night tables, in living rooms and as paper weights.Recently professional therapists and caregivers have been giving them as gifts to their friends and clients; They are now mainly bought as a stress reliever,
The are super smooth with a mineral oil finish that cry out to be fondled.Price $25.00 per heart-Free shipping.
Hearts are available mainly in mahogany but also in other hardwoods depending on availability.finish mineral oil.
Size-Hearts vary slightly, usually 3 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 x 2 inches thick t0 11 x 11 x 4 inches thick.
Hearts are also available in other sizes on request, from small pendants to large sculpture.
You can purchase any number of hearts on request, forward an email to create a Paypal button to accommodate any bulk order.
Allow me to share a comment sent by Linda from Massachusetts on March 17. 2017- a story that touched me deeply; more so because my mother once said to me, when I was about 5 years old-“I can’t explain it, but your hands are blessed”
Story by Linda
“Your carved hearts have comforted my 100+ year old aunt that died”.
When she went to Hospice she would not let go of it; her daughter buried the heart with.
Then my brother just died; when I visited him January 20 he was holding your heart.Your carvings have been a deep blessing; please continue to carve”
Hearts are now my bread and butter craft items and are always in stock.
Large orders orders on request.
free shipping via Anguilla Post Office.
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13 comments on “Carved Hearts as A Touch Form”
Hi Courtney. I just stumbled across your website. I’ve been looking around at your artwork and ‘about me’ page. You have been involved in art for around 40 years now. It is amazing how the internet can open up doors for people to view your work from all corners of the world. it is so different to when you first started out.
I like your work very much. These hearts look so sweet. How long does it take to make one?
I wish you all the best with your art and business, Courtney. 🙂
Courtney Devonish
That is probably the most popular asked question, i could never understand why;I have never timed myself, normally i would work on a dozen at a time, first drawing and cutting out the shapes, then rough carving, then final carving, then sanding and oiling, then burnish, too much time to match a professional salary. best wishes.
I am curious which Country do you know my work from?
Ido Barnoam
Pretty amazing.
I always wondered at the skill it takes to craft something out of wood. Wood has a unique feel to it, and I really admire artist who do something different with wood other than furniture.
May I ask how much time do you invest in something like this?
Courtney Devonish
Thank you for visiting, I love working in wood but do not like making functional things, maybe a tray or so.I am a full time artist for the past 46 years with my own gallery. Greetings from sunny Anguila.
Would like to order 4 hearts please.
Courtney Devonish
Thanks Linda will look into it will make a button for 4 hearts. thanks
I would like to order 10 hearts please.
hello courtney, your art works are really nice, and to think that you use wood to make them i’d say thats amazing. back when i was in high school i wished i had the talent of creativity, i usually do admire my mates who were good in finearts. i love watching people draw,colour and paint. i also love people who can create something out of nothing. and view such people as blessed because it a rare talent. i love your art work. keep it up!
Courtney Devonish
Thank you for your comments; as a former teacher I do believe we all have a hidden talent; the challenge is to find it; My first class with all students is to give them a piece of clay and ask them to  create something; you will be amazed at the variety of talents unveiled.Try it and send me a photo, we will take it from there. Best wishes.
I believe creating such a beautiful fine art is really a difficult work. Your skill is unique & mesmerizing. I actually Love Fine craft and its my habit to make collection of such unique products. So, definitely i am gonna buy your products.
Your work so fine. Hats off you 🙂
Courtney Devonish
Thank you; I am happy you like what you see; there is an opportunity to win one of the hearts-see buzzbrainexercises.com # 90-
Hi Courtney!
Those are some beautiful wood carvings. I sure know that I had trouble knowing where to put my hands when I quit smoking. Probably one of these carvings to hold would have helped with that.
I looked at some of your other wood carvings and must say I’m very impressed. I tried wood carving in my early teens, but didn’t have the patients or skill to complete any of my projects, so I understand the time and talent needed to make something like this!
Keep up the good work!
Courtney Devonish
Thanks for your comments. I am sorry you did not persevere with your wood carving; did you stop  smoking?